Blog header with image of cannabis plant

Navigating Substance Use in Pregnancy and Postpartum

Navigating substance use in pregnancy can be as simple as just “avoid” for some. For others, it is an unbelievably complex issue. Learn why our widespread abstinence-only approach doesn’t work when it comes to improving outcomes and how taking a harm reduction approach could have a more positive impact. Get recommendations and information on a variety of substances, as well.

Blog header with title and image of a stack of books with eyeglasses on top; book on top is called “Periods”.

Fertility 101

Learn all about ovulation and how fertility tracking can be helpful for some people. I also cover some factors that affect fertility, getting preconception care, when to seek help, early signs of pregnancy, and more.

Blog header with image of pregnant woman packing hospital bag

Hospital Bag Checklist

What should you pack in your hospital bag? This post contains a list of items you might want to bring, as well as some helpful tips and what to do if you’re not planning a hospital birth.

Blog header with close-up image of mother holding newborn in tub right after birth

Manifesto: Freedom and Physiology

This blog post outlines my four-part manifesto in support of freedom and physiology in birth.

Image of new mother and baby in kitchen with postpartum doula, who is preparing a meal

Alternative Baby Registry Ideas

Get ideas for how you can have more support and less stuff when it comes to postpartum. Besides specific ideas, there are also links to alternative baby registry platforms you can use.

Blog header with close-up image of pregnant belly with sticky notes depicting “Rh+” and “Rh-“

Rh Factor and Pregnancy

Rh factor is a protein found on the surface of red blood cells in most people. Those with this protein have an Rh+ blood type. Around 15% of people do not have this protein and are considered Rh-. While this normally isn’t an issue, it can have an effect during pregnancy. Read on to learn more about Rh incompatibility, Rh sensitization, and treatment options.

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“Adulting” for Expectant Parents Checklist

Having a baby is a major life change that means additional responsibilities and expenses. This checklist can help you get started in planning for your new arrival. It includes topics like maternity/ paternity leave, child care, saving for education, and more.

Older woman comforting a younger woman

Five Things I Learned From Miscarriage

I’ve experienced two miscarriages. In honor of October being Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month, I share five things I’ve learned from them in this post.

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Clothing to Fit Your Budget and Your Bump

Finding budget-friendly maternity clothing isn’t always easy. But, in this post, I have ten tips and ideas for saving money, using what’s already in your closet, and extending the use of clothing you do need to purchase.

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What Tetris Can Teach Us

When playing Tetris, you don’t have control over which shape will fall next. And you can’t predict which shapes you’ll get and when throughout the game. Read on to find out more about what Tetris can teach us about releasing control and embracing unpredictability for birth.

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Count Those Kicks!

Learn all about kick counting, which is a powerful and effective tool to monitor fetal well-being and reduce the risk of stillbirth if used regularly. It’s also a great way to slow down and connect with your baby each day.

Blog header with title and image of pregnant person standing in rocky nature area

Nuanced Over Dualistic Thinking for Birth and Beyond

The pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenting journey involves many decisions along the way. The journey is too complex for dualistic, binary thinking. Embracing nuance can help you navigate the complexities of birth and beyond.

Blog header with image of full moon over evergreen trees in snowy area

The Moon and Matrescence

Both constant and ever-changing, the moon is symbolic of the changes we go through during matrescence, or the process of becoming a mother or parent. Learn more about incorporating some moon magic into your life!

Blog header with title and three line drawing depicting pregnancy, birth, and postpartum

Birth Triptych: A Journey in Three Parts

Just as a triptych connects three pieces of art into one cohesive display, birth can be explored as a journey in three parts: preparation, navigation, and reflection. Each part comes together to form the full picture of a transformative experience.

Blog header with title and image of birthing person in birthing tub being supported by partner

Shifting the Zeitgeist: Challenging the Status Quo in Maternity Care

The maternity care system is imperfect. Systemic racism, overuse of medical interventions, and challenges to our right to bodily autonomy are just a few examples of problems with the status quo. But birth workers are leading the effort to shift the zeitgeist.

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Infant Feeding Info and Resources

This post contains the newest breastfeeding guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics, reasons why someone might want or need to choose a different option for infant feeding, a list of helpful resources, and more.

Blog header with image of pregnant person standing on path in tropical nature area

Clearing the Path: Benefits of Proactive Prep for Birth and Beyond

Metaphorically, and in the context of birth and beyond, “clearing the path” means taking proactive steps during pregnancy (or even before) to identify and manage potential obstacles and challenges along the route that you plan to take. This can make your birth and postpartum journey smoother and more straightforward and help reduce your risk of needing medical interventions you’re hoping to avoid.

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Matrescence: A Turbulent Transformation

Becoming a parent is a major life shift. It’s a developmental stage in life, similar to adolescence. In this post, we explore a word, called matrescence, that describes this turbulent and transformative time.

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Go Ask Alice: Wisdom From Wonderland for Pregnancy to Postpartum

Take a trip to Wonderland and learn how Alice’s experience can provide insight into our own understanding of pregnancy, birth and postpartum. This post covers topics like going past your due date, the experience of “Laborland”, decision-making, matrescence, and more!

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Politics and Period Tracking

Now that we’re in a post-Roe era, there are potential risks associated with using period tracker apps. This is due to a lack of adequate legal protections regarding online personal data. Learn more about what to consider when deciding how to track your fertility and get ideas for some safer options.


Discover Your Birth Journey Archetype. Gain insight into preparing for and navigating birth in a way that feels most aligned. Button that says “Talk the Quiz”. Green map and compass background.

Navigating Birth and Beyond Blog

Hi, I’m Brookelyn Justine, and I’m a former airline pilot turned childbirth educator. I have a deep respect for the benefits and power of physiologic birth AND an appreciation for advancements in medical science that offer us valuable tools, when needed. Click on my image to learn more about me!


The journey to becoming a parent can be both joyful and turbulent. Support along the way is key. Whether you’re just thinking about trying to conceive, managing postpartum life, or somewhere in between, this blog will be here for you as a resource.

Just a reminder that my content is for educational purposes only. It’s not medical advice.

Interested in preparing for birth and beyond throughout pregnancy with tools, education, and support? Check out my Proactive Pregnancy Planner toolkit!

Proactive Pregnancy Planner: With To-Do Lists by Trimester. Close-up image of pregnant person standing with hands on baby bump.

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