If you are interested in breastfeeding or chest feeding, here are three things you can do to be ready for and manage any challenges you might face:
This blog post is meant to help you get started in educating yourself and becoming familiar with resources for learning more and for navigating challenges in the moment.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends:
The above recommendations, along with others, can be found at the link below:
Breastfeeding has many benefits, which you can read about by clicking the following link:
It’s important to be informed of the recommendations, but decisions surrounding infant feeding are very personal and are yours to make. Evidence should inform our decisions, but it isn’t the only factor. YOU are also a factor! While breastfeeding has many benefits, there are reasons why people choose/ need to use an alternative (or switch before the end of the first year). Here are a few:
Remember, we don’t all have the same levels of support at work and at home. We aren’t experiencing the same challenges.
Here are some alternative options for infant feeding:
You can also make decisions on the language you prefer to use. Make sure to communicate your preferences to the appropriate people. Here are some options:
Breastfeeding can be very challenging! It’s important to start educating yourself on the topic, if you are planning to breastfeed or if you aren’t sure yet. I highly recommend taking a local or online breastfeeding class, if you can. Also, attending local breastfeeding support group meetings, like La Leche League, during pregnancy can be very helpful.
There are also lots of resources available for becoming informed about your options. Here are a few:
Hi, I’m Brookelyn Justine, and I’m a former airline pilot turned childbirth educator. I have a deep respect for the benefits and power of physiologic birth AND an appreciation for advancements in medical science that offer us valuable tools, when needed. Click on my image to learn more about me!
The journey to becoming a parent can be both joyful and turbulent. Support along the way is key. Whether you’re just thinking about trying to conceive, managing postpartum life, or somewhere in between, this blog will be here for you as a resource.
Just a reminder that my content is for educational purposes only. It’s not medical advice.
Interested in preparing for birth and beyond throughout pregnancy with tools, education, and support? Check out my Proactive Pregnancy Planner toolkit!